Hi Fabio.
Thank you for the wonderful binding job you have done for us on ‘The History of the Richards Family – volume 1’. Working on that tome has been a ‘labour of love’ for me, as I embarked on the challenge of researching into, and writing about, the history of my wife’s family. Originally conceived as a ‘lockdown project’, it took the best part of 2 years to create the book, exercising my (limited) research skills and writing, to tell the story in a volume of 232 pages. Having attempted to use spiral binding to produce booklets at home, I failed to do justice to the story as a whole, and resorted to requesting quotes for professional binding from book binders local and national. In doing so, I chanced upon some of the reviews you had received. Hence, I commissioned you to do it for me – and what an outstanding job you have done (‘silk purse from a sow’s ear’ springs to mind!).
You have been respectful of the content, thorough in your approach, and have more than done justice to the book. It looks stunning in its burgundy finish with gold lettering, and adds gravitas in a way that spiral binding would never be able to achieve.
Thank you for enabling us to pass on an impressive legacy to our sons.
I look forward to bringing the next three volumes to you in due course!
Kindest regards,
Tim Day.