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If you use Microsoft Word, you can save your file as PDF format.
When you are ready with your Word file you can convert it to PDF format using the “Save As” feature of MS Word.

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Once the PDF file is ready, browse it carefully to make sure that it is identical to the source file, what you see on the screen you will get printed out, a double check is recommended…
You can also use this free online service in case you don’t have the “Save As PDF” function in your software: I Love PDF.
Please call us on 01792 581384 to inform us that you have submitted your file.
Before submitting your PDF pay special attention to the following
- The NOT EQUAL MARGIN suggested by Swansea Uni IS TOTALLY WRONG, we strongly recommend EQUAL MARGIN: 3 cm on left and 3 cm on right, same on top and bottom. The default value applied by MS Word of 2.54 cm of margin for all sides is also perfectly fine for us. We actually need a very minimal space on left for hand sewing.
- Not applying equal margin can result in the PDF file BEING REJECTED by us since NOT COMPLYING WITH OUR REGULATION. We want to obtain a perfect printing result something you will be proud of, that’s why we strongly recommend to always APPLY EQUAL MARGIN to your pdf thesis.
- After conversion from MS Word to PDF format open the pdf file and check with extreme attention that ALL PAGES are OK, make sure any graphic or photos stay inside the recommended margin above. What you see in your computer screen will be printed on paper so spend some time on this important check. If you discover a graphic or a photo that touch the edges just open the MS Word source file resize it to stay inside the content area and resave as PDF.
- Make sure the page number is displayed in the PDF file
- Make sure you have added the declaration page, you can place it after the title page